Equinox means equal and a spring equinox means that the hours of day time and hours of night time are close to equal. (not exactly equal but close)
We should enjoy around 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of darkness on March 20th.
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Check out this diagram of the seasons. Question: Why does the Earth have seasons?
Why does the Earth have DAY and NIGHT? Use your scientific vocabulary to answer the questions! Leave me a comment, use only you color group and initials.
we have seasons because the Earth turns on its axis and we have day and night because of seasons
br yellow
day and night because of rotation
br yellow
Every Revolution that we take is every minute.Day and Night happens because of Rotation. AS Yellow
we have seasons because we revolve around the sun and when we are farthest away we have winter and the closest we have summer yellow boy zw
day night rotation yellow boy zw
We have seasons because we revolve around the sun
i think that the reason the earth has seasons is the tilt of the earth the reason we have day and night is because of the rotation of the earth ks greeen
The Earth rotates on its axis so the Earth has seasons,and March 20th is the first day of spring B-4-5 Hk
If we did not have any seasons it would be snowing in summer and hot in the winter. KY BLUE
the earth has day and night because if earths rotation around the sun !
e.r. yellow girl
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