Check out this roll cloud!
Discovery Science |
Live Science |
Question: Explain how clouds form using YOUR scientific vocabulary. You can do it! Explain it like a Meteorologist! How do roll clouds form? Leave me a comment and only use your color group and initials.
it forms with a cold front wind and frost i think or that is what it said on a bill nye i watched on youtube yellow boy zw
yay i was the first to answer yellow boy zw
Cool air rising
BR Yellow
clouds form by evaporting water
blue jg
the water vapor rising up into the air. blue jj
the water vapor rising into the nv
when cool air push two clouds together blue mw
The water vapor and frost makes the clouds look like it is rolling. KY BLUE
Evaporation picks up water and it turns into water vapor then the vapor forms the clouds B Hk
cool air is rising
LZ 25yellow
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