Friday, May 11, 2012

Have you ever wondered what happens to you plastic water bottle when you throw it away?

Watch this video about the Great Garbage Patch in the ocean WE created.

Question: What can you do to stop the Great Garbage Patch from growing even bigger?  Only leave your color group and initials.


Anonymous said...

We can help stop the Garbage Patch by using as many recyclable materials as possible and deposit the materials in the correct place. We can tell others to do the same thing. Yellow BR

Anonymous said...

we can help by recycling,and putting up posters to make people think that you need to recycle than throwing away trash. KY BLUE

Anonymous said...

one way we can stop this landfill thats rising is to use other materials that is not made out of plastic. The second thing is if we are using plastic we should recycle it.My mom and I we basically recycle the water bottles by, refilling water or any thing thats liquid in our refridgerator, thats hardly anything left from the original container and we recycle that container.AM Green seceret

Anonymous said...

wwwwwwwoooooooooowwwwwwww i wish we could change all that

Anonymous said...

i think we the people should recycle their posioning our animal

Anonymous said...

recycel things such as paper glass card boerd and plastic
aker yellow desiree

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